
Give me a clue or a reason, my dove

A reason to think and to dream, though in anguish, and find my belief

In the nature of love

A nature, I trust, that will judge me with favour

And not let me sink to the base, though in trouble, the base of a reef

That will serve me as altar

And alter my crime to in a way to behove

The grace that you give, though the hassle must worry your spite, in a thief

Who will trust all above

Above all that a verdict must cause you to falter

And think of the charm of an erring offender, though in pain, will be brief

And submit to the halter

The strap that will torment and plague me and shove

But grant me the right to confirm, though in sorrow, the sense that my grief

Came from nature in love

Nay, there is much to confess to and break, of

A nature in love and my longing to risk: the truth that will shake me, a shivering leaf

In the book that will leave this audacious actor

To be shriven, through your grace, and saved from my error

In the nature of love

This will serve me as altar

I will trust all above,

And submit to the halter,

Touched from nature in love

In the book that will leave this audacious actor

To be shriven, through your grace, and saved from my error


This is my first attempt at a difficult verse form. Is it perfect? No, far from it – it’s faulty and stumbling – but the best I can do for now.

© HMH, 2020







4 responses to “Villanelle”

  1. Mason Bushell avatar

    That’s fantastic! Beautifully done, Hanne.

  2. Hanne H avatar
    Hanne H

    Oh, wow, you’ve just made my day, Mason! Thank you

  3. Millie Thom avatar

    Your poem is soul-searchingly lovely, Hanne, and the illustrations are perfect.

    1. Hanne H avatar
      Hanne H

      Thank you so much, Millie! Your opinion means a lot to me.
      Should I mention that the painting is from 2011 and that I featured it on my blog some years ago?

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