Month: December 2021

  • Christmas Glow?

    *** Warm and peaceful Sweet and hopeful Dreams abound on certain days Will they wither? Will they prosper? Is it up to us to say? * Is the Star of stars a signpost? Will we learn to give or take? * Time has never worked to help us. * An eternal question drifts, In and…

  •  Pink and Blue Columbines

    © HMH, 2021

  • Reviews Revue

    Sue Barnard, The Missing Years, Heathcliff Inspired Historical Fiction Despised by his beloved Catherine, uneducated Heathcliff goes to Liverpool. There he finds his way to riches and achieves knowledge of the world. In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff is an almost diabolical enigma. No doubt, he is a tempting subject to analyse in literary form. No doubt,…

  • Columbine

    * Pennants flying in the breeze Pastel colours For pantomime dancers Hiding behind peacock tails. Pierrot smiles with his large red mouth And Harlequin kisses Columbine in an old-fashioned garden. * Flowers of grace and Ancient overtones Add mystery to Undertones of Fragrance and finesse * © HMH, 2021