Month: July 2022

  • Landscape with House

    © HMH, 2022

  • The Box

    The box hung on the noticeboard at the back of the classroom. Hilde shuddered inside. It was that awful Gilbert’s idea, but why did their teacher allow it? A complaints’ box. They’d all start ratting on one another. That was what he wanted. What could Hilde do? She chewed the end of her pencil until…

  • Phantasm

    * A little room A cage with walls that collapse on you. Your terror and confusion That trembling moment Your voice is breaking Your cries unheard Your dancing heart will still Forever A locked-down phase Unnatural and rushed * Forget-me-not A poor neglected bud Forgotten and lost * Let your fervour Mirror your eyes Strong…

  • Untitled, Flowers

    © HMH, 2022

  • Another Batch of Reviews

    Lally Brown, The Countess, Napoleon, and St Helena Fact and Fiction Mixed with Memoirs ‘The Countess, Napoleon, and St Helena’ is a strong minestrone. This kind of soup is a good opportunity to get rid of scraps and it can make a delicious dish. The question is if it works in literature. Honestly, I’m not…