Category: HM

  • Brooding

    *** Green lights An orgiastic future fades How to grasp when the tension Between the possible and impossible Fails? * A blueish lawn turns frosty And naked feet will never progress Along the faded roses. Futile fears Turn the city into shadows Wailing about their loss. * We live in obscurity Possessed by reckless Dreams…

  • Two Winter Sketches

    *** Just a short post this time to wish you all Happy New Year. I’m certain that most people are relieved to say goodbye to 2020 and hope that 2021 will be better – at least by degrees. Again, my sketches are digital works that I hope to paint sooner or later. . . ***…

  • My Last Reviews of 2020

    Lesley Eames, The Runaway Women (Silver Ladies) in London A Sweet Diversion Set in the Early Nineteen-Twenties Four young women, Ruth, Jenny, Lydia, and Grace work together in a household in a small town. Their employer is a wealthy woman with a temper to reckon with. As a necklace disappears – stolen – she accuses…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Something went wrong when I posted last, so I’ll give it another try. Without further ado, here is Santa Baby by Joan Javits, Phil Springer, and Tony Springer. *** *** Keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll work this time. . . © HMH, 2020

  • Reading at Speed Reviews

    LC Conn, Carling Coming of Age Can be a Hurtful Process Since the end of the first volume of The One True Child series, the Romans are stationary in Britain. Romans kill Carling’s parents and brother get killed in a raid. On the way to their camp, Carling witnesses the Roman commander killing her grandmother.…

  • Ball playing Mongrel

    Flapping ears mark her longing to fly But the bitch never misses a ball. Frisbees, sticks, anything will do She catches high balls or curves Gleefully straining and running for her life Jumping higher than any cow, trying for the moon. Grannies and children beware! The exuberant buoyancy of this dame Takes no prisoners: Greetings…

  • Anna Casamento Arrigo Mini-Series III

    It is hard to believe that this is the third and last time that I can welcome Anna. Maybe we will meet again. It has been fun and remarkably interesting to hear about her journey through a difficult period of her life. At the same time, it is remarkable how positive Anna has been throughout…

  • Spoiler Alert!!!

    Have you ever experienced that, after writing a review, somebody shouted spoiler alert? I have, and that made me think. Yes, in that review, I mentioned things that emerge within the story but, in my opinion, it wasn’t the plot that moved the book forward. It was the characters and their inner lives. Honestly, I’ve…

  • Lover-Boy

    He said: I’ll miss you too. He said: we’ll stay in touch. Weeks passed * She waited unwearyingly, trusting his words. Once she wrote and every day afterwards She looked for his non-existent answer. She puzzled about it but found no reason: Nothing to solve the riddle That haunted her waking hours and Turned to…

  • Anna Casamento Arrigo Mini-Series II

    It is a great pleasure to present Anna’s second instalment in this mini-series, concentrating on her – other – talent. Anna is an accomplished poet and author, who has great success with her writing. Here we focus on her paintings, which are beautiful as well as unique. *** Slowly, ever so slowly, as fluttering began…