Category: HM

  • Woes and Wonders, Book Trailer

    This time, my painting, picture, or drawing is a short video. Why? I want to give you some news about the coming launch of my new book, Woes and Wonders. Without further ado, here’s what I’ve prepared for you. Blurb Woes and Wonders Hans wants family and stability, but the Great War tears him away…

  • Reviews, Reviews

    AL Kent, A Journey of Three Degrees A Journey of Love? Love of journeying? This book is in two parts. In the first, a college student (Anna) falls in love with her professor. It seems a romance bound to fail, and Anna resorts to flirt with a friend. Her love for the professor stops the…

  • Rose’s Death

    She was soft and white with striking pink eyes Patient to a fault, unless, when gathering wool, You happened to cut deeper than intended. She’d nip your finger and look sadly reproachful Until you repented and promised never to do it again. Her brood of three, Bundles of white just like their mother, Were pliable…

  • Fashion Drawings

    These drawings are all from the eighties, which is easy to perceive. I drew them with coloured pencils on paper, and they were my first attempts at designs. I sewed the first two designs and reused the fabric from the lavender dress more than once. © HMH, 1987 + 2019

  • Writing prompts

    Do They Work? A while ago, I visited a prompt generator and, among others, got these: The poisoned Rose and The Mysterious Yacht. I’ve forgotten the rest. Couldn’t find anything else that was remotely interesting. It made me wonder if some of these sites are condescending and expect that you’re unable to think for yourself.…

  • Ceanothus

    A feathery frame supporting Little pieces of sky Blue wonders, offering heady fragrance And fairy visions. *** A breeze carries soft petal chimes That cause the soul to resonate. Thus A question springs to mind. With such wonders Why do we sense Futility and darkness? Our little lives Could open like blossoms Carrying blue balm…

  • Ceanothus

  • Review Time

    Rebecca Bryn, Touching the Wire Harrowing and Realistic Touching the Wire is about guilt and shame. It analyses complexities that we habitually manage to avoid. It’s about surviving under impossible conditions – or chose the only way out. It’s about facing life when you wish to die. This book takes its readers down the abyss…

  • Haiku

    On naked feet Tiptoeing through rustling leaves My ascent lithe Lonely girls reach For tenuous calm, in time To their dropping steps Empty boats quiver The water is motionless Soon the sun descends Bare feet ascend Never was my step lighter Rustling leaves fall  © HMH, 2018

  • Costume Sketches

    These sketches were for a production of Hoddinott’s Children’s Opera, What Fater Does is Always Right. © HMH, 1987/2019