Rescue Gaia

Gaia, Earth Mother

It is as good as it gets. Or is it? Yes, it could get better. That is our expression of hope. What else is new?

We all dream and dream big. Nothing wrong with that, but it opens us up to hurt or disappointment. At the end of the day, it is better to face the music and live.

We think, we imagine, but we might be mistaken. Thinking there will always be flowers and furry animals, sunshine, and rain. Thinking there will always be beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Thinking that nature is abundant and merciful still, even if Gaia shows her wrath at us humans from time to time.

Not without reason. For generations, we’ve ignored the signs that something is awry, and that’s why we experience pandemics and weird weather.


It’s our fault. Too bad. The world could be an idyllic place. It still is – in places. That’s the wonder of it all. We have blue skies and green grass. We have lush forests and wondrous animals. They struggle to survive and that’s the downside.

Why can’t humanity wise up? We might be on the brink of disaster, but most people think they can carry on with impunity. History shows that warning voices started soon after WWII, but nobody listened. Also, the lobbies for fossil fuel, plastic, weapons, and all the pollutants – from DDT to quicksilver (the list is endless) – were too powerful. Even now, certain corporations tell us we aren’t ready for change, be it necessary or not.

We might be on the brink of finding long-overdue solutions to the world’s plight, but too many people have learned from the ostrich. Hiding our heads in the sand won’t save us. That’s where we stand at present.

It could go either way, but the longer we hesitate to do what’s right, the smaller our chances of rescuing the planet will be. Maybe it serves us right for eliminating so many species – for the ‘good’ of humanity. Think about it, we still have a chance, but the countdown has started. The doomsday clock is closer to midnight than ever before. It’s time to do something. Not twirl our fingers but work. Work hard towards solving our problems.

Beauty Spot

© HMH, 2023






4 responses to “Rescue Gaia”

  1. Anna Casamento Arrigo avatar
    Anna Casamento Arrigo

    Love this!!

    1. Hanne H avatar
      Hanne H

      Thank you, Anna!

    2. Susan avatar

      Excellent post, Hanne!

      1. Hanne H avatar
        Hanne H

        Thank you, Susan!

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